The Art of Surrendering ♡

If you have ever felt like the Universe is giving you more than you can handle, or the world is conspiring against you, in this moment, it is sometimes best to just let go, and surrender.

How many times have you tried to control a situation or an outcome, and be disappointed with the end result? Or, how often do you have your expectations so high, or tweaked to exactly how you “think” something should be done, only to feel let down or hurt?

We are all walking a very different journey to one another, sure, we may find similarities in some, we may also find our reflection in others, but at the end of the day, how we view the world around us is completely dependant on what we already know, and it can take a tower moment (aka. shit to fall apart) to realise that we actually don’t have any control over our path. We can make choices, and learn from mistakes, but we cannot determine an outcome- despite how hard we try.

As a massive empath, I feel the heaviness of grief and heartbreaking sadness at times to a point where I feel the pain won’t ever stop, I also feel elatedness and joy so fulfilling my heart could burst at other times. Just like the ocean, there are ebbs and flows in life, and the art of surrendering doesn’t mean we can’t feel the emotion attached to a situation, it just means we have the ability to accept it, feel it, and let it go.

Go easy on yourself, beautiful.

Chloe xo


Self Love & Growth ✶


The Shadow Self ☪︎