The Shadow Self ☪︎

I've been asked in the past "What led you to where you are now?"

and my answer is simple...

…Rock bottom. 

Perhaps my rock bottom isn't the same as your rock bottom, but pain is all relative pending our circumstances. My circumstance was heartbreak and heartache.

About five or so years ago now, I was curled up on my old cupboard floor tiles at midnight, crying endless tears that brought up so much darkness and discomfort for me, but while I sat there feeling an immense pain in my soul; one that I had only ever felt once before at the age of 19, it wasn't until afterward, that I realised it wasn't just the pain I was feeling in that moment, but rather 10 years worth of suppressed emotions and unrealistic expectations of myself, that I simply hadn't dealt with. 

Through healing my shadow self and nurturing the parts of myself that I didn’t love wholly, I found my purpose.

And, instead of trying to give everyone else all of me, I gave love, commitment, understanding, dedication and kindness back to myself. This self care and self love allowed me to focus solely on what made me light up inside, and from that moment, Havana Productions was born.

You see, it's through these tough events and moments in life, where we have the ability to rebuild who we once were, into whom we want to be now and in the future. 

I no longer recognise the young woman I once was, and that's okay, because I love the woman I am now, and I thank everyone and everything that has led me here, and my hope is that if you're going through something similar, and it feels dark in this very moment, just trust that there will be light again, and it can be even brighter and more magical than you had once imagined. 💫💫💫 

♡ Chloe xo


The Art of Surrendering ♡


Two things that have gotten me to where I am currently...