How to be a "Chill Girl" when you're a "Ball Buster"

I love, love, LOVE all of the world’s positivity in the event of what is happening right now and how we have banded together to flatten the curve is epic, and my love and support goes to those on the frontline and behind the scenes helping to literally save the world. This is why I almost didn’t write this blog because of the current situation and how my empathetic heart reaches out to those who are suffering within their health and also those who are now without a job or small businesses who have had to shut shop and have a family to support and mouths to feed, and it honestly breaks my heart given that I am in the same situation as a provider, however, I am (so, so gratefully) lucky enough to still be employed full time doing what I love and helping millions around the world get through this pandemic.

I have had to stop my own business however, and I am only really starting to notice now that this has definitely had an impact on me not only financially, but also internally . You see, my business is my creative outlet, my happy place, my passion, my sanity… it is me. So please understand that my intention here is not to be arrogant or ignorant to those who are in a worse situation than I am right now, but the purpose of this blog post however is to shed a little light on those who are struggling having to stop doing the what lights them up inside, because I know through social media and other creatives that I am definitely not alone.

Perhaps it’s the fact that I am out of routine, or leaving the house to go to work each day is not an option, or perhaps it’s because we weren’t designed to be disconnected and isolated and it is hindering our motivation and positive attitudes? Either way, I would be lying if I said I have not been struggling of late. So, if you are like me, and absolutely love what you do and are one of those people who thrive on ball busting, high adrenaline, late nights, long days, all-cylinders-firing-creatively-non-stop who needs to be utilising all of my skills and brains and creative juices to feel fulfilled then this could be for you. I have scrolled the web trying to find ways to enjoy the slower pace of life and how to be a ‘minimalist’, I have done every core and booty home workout I can think of on the daily, I’ve connected more with my loved ones, cooked up more vegan brownies and banoffee pie than my partner and I can stomach… but that is not the issue. The issue I am having right now is productivity or lack there of. I am a woman that needs multiple outlets for all of my inner ideas and “go-go” battery ass attitude (sorry, I don’t know how else to word that one) and stopping to smell the roses just ain’t cutting it anymore . If you are on the same page as me and would like to know ways in which I have (attempted to) manage this, then I have listed some tips below that have helped me through this time.

Please read til the end to really feel where I am coming from.

Tip 1. Lower expectations

It may sound like a “duh” moment, but it can be A LOT harder than it sounds. The “I should be doing this” and the “I need to be doing that” speeches will play out in your head each time you think about the fact that we’re almost half way through the year and have not ticked off five of the 25 boxes we set out to achieve this year. I get it. So instead of punishing, stressing or worrying… lower those expectations! 2020 isn’t the year we had expected it to be, so therefore that list you made with all of your goals and achievements is going to have to be a little bit more flexible… think gymnastic splits into a backbend kinda flexible and learn to just roll with the fact that this is all out of our control and therefore, so are our short term goals/plans.

Tip 2. Dig up old work projects

Those pictures you took back in 2018 but decided they were’t ‘good enough’ sure look mighty fine right now don’t they! Or the project you had been putting off because you didn’t have the "time” to get to it sure sounds fun right about now. This down-time has sure given me a new perspective on the creator I would like to be moving forward and looking back on past work that I have done and seeing it through fresh eyes has helped give me the nudge to continue creating more art that resonates with my soul in the future. It also makes me realise that the work I thought was shitty at the time is actually quite dope and we can all expect a few Throwback Thursdays and archived moments coming out of the wood works.

Tip 3. Really get clear on who you want to be

Seeing the world and our lives through a new perspective can re-create the person/career we would like to be/have. This time can be frustrating or it can be a blessing, and whilst I have had my frustrated or creative roadblock moments, I honestly feel this time is going to help so many people including myself, to really get clear and precise on what it is that we want moving forward. When we are so ‘busy’ in the day-to-day grind of life, we create habits that stick with us for longer than what we may like or be consciously aware of because we either don’t have the time to correct them or we just keep moving in momentum with the life that we have created and view that as our “normal”. Being forced to essentially take a massive step back and view our lives from a bird’s eye view right now will give us the ability to tweak or completely change the areas that don’t align with our soul’s true purpose. We have some breathing space in this moment, so let’s use it to mould and carve out our new “normal”. (You will notice I use inverted commas for the word normal because what the heck is normal anyways?! I struggle using that word so just know when I say it, I mean “You do you Boo” xo).

Tip 4. Try that thing or something new that you have always wanted to try- or better yet, that will enhance what you want for your future

For example, I just became a business student (LOL). Not really LOL actually because while accounting and MYOB and finances literally put me into a coma, I actually have goals and plans for my future that will see me needing these tools for my toolbox, so I can either continue binging on Netflix during this pandemic or I can use this extra time outside of my job to be proactive and get. shit. DONE. It may not get my fire raging inside but it is however necessary and something I may not have even considered if I didn’t have this extra time… Double edged sword if you ask me. POW POW.

Tip 5. Be grateful

This one is a BIGGIE smalls and one that I come back to when I feel I am having a tantrum internally. My struggle with pausing a part of my life for a few months is NOTHING compared to what others are going through right now, but if you have had to stop work all together and are struggling financially, or you know people who are unwell, or you’re literally just feeling caged and stuck, then I suggest coming back to a heart-centred place and remembering how good we really do have it (especially where I live in Australia). We have government financial support if we need, a country that unites in times of crisis, and if you are reading this then I would suggest you have a roof over your head, food in your tummy and a decent wifi signal to stream some Netflix, so it ain’t all bad! When I initially wrote this blog I was in a frustrated mind frame, my man said he “sensed some befrazzlement “ haha and yes, he was right. But then I watched a viral clip on how Mother Nature is flourishing, how others are staying positive, how we are actually doing the world and the human race a favour by being cooped up and then BOOM, instant perspective and instantly pulled me out of my shitty mood. It’s OK to have these feelings, it’s OK to talk about them too because you are not alone. I am not alone, we are all in this together, but sure as rain, things could always be worse.

Tip 6. I don’t have a Tip 6 sorry

I tried, but that’s about all of where I am right now. I would love for Tip 6 to be something from YOU. I would love to know what YOU do when you can’t possibly slow down anymore, when your brain is working overload on ideas that you have but can’t put into place right now or ways that YOU are positioning yourself for the best seat moving forward in the ride of 2020 when we all emerge from our man/woman caves.

Leave a comment if you like, I’d love to connect with more of you, that is my intention.

Good Vibes & Sunshine,




Starting Out


The Grand Old concept of Manifestation! But wait, how do you manifest again?